Windows Web Hosting Services
Disk Space
Email Id's
Windows Starter
1 GB Space
1 GB per month
5 Email Accounts
1 MSSQL Database
1499 INR per annum
Windows Economy
2 GB Space
2 GB per month
10 Email Accounts
1 MSSQL Database
1999 INR per annum
Windows Soho
3 GB Space
3 GB per month
15 Email Accounts
1 MSSQL Database
2499 INR per annum
Windows Corporate
4 GB Space
4 GB per month
25 Email Accounts
1 MSSQL Database
2999 INR per annum
Special Feature :
My SQL Database, Choice of PHP 4 or PHP 5, Classical ASP, Pearl, Paython, ASP.NET version (.NET 1/2/3/3.5), High Quality Site Templates, MSSQL Server 2005/2008 Databases, Anti Virus and Anti Spam, Plesk as Control Panel
Windows Hosting Features
Mail :
+ Create and Manage email accounts
+ Webmail and POP access
+ Aliases, Auto-responders, Forwarders
+ Custom mail filtering
+ Mailing lists
+ Spam blocking (with Plesk Powerpack)
Web Analytics :
+ Web analytics for every domain
+ View referrer URLs and links
+ View and manage log files
Database Management :
+ Supports multiple MySQL / MS-SQL databases
+ Supports PHP MyAdmin
+ Supports ASP.NET Enterprise Manager
(web-based MS-SQL administration)
FTP Tools :
+ Create and manage FTP accounts
+ Anonymous FTP
+ Track FTP access
Website Tools :
+ Configure and Manage IIS
+ Protect directories and files, assign users
+ Website redirects
+ Edit MIME types and Apache handlers
+ Manage files in web interface
Backup :
+ System-wide domain and user backups
+ Windows Scheduler Management for automated backups
+ Restore backups
Site Organization & Subdomains :
+ Create, add, remove subdomains
+ Subdomain redirects
+ Subdomain stats
+ Application Vault
+ Web-Explorer, graphical file editor